Ode to Wnter
For me, painting has evolved into a profound dialogue with the universe. Each stroke of my brush is a conversation with the majestic and magical forces of nature that surround me. Art is a journey of self-discovery, a canvas upon which I explore my true nature. Painting, in particular, embodies contrasts: smooth strokes juxtaposed with textured layers, vibrant hues against subtle tonalities, echoing the complexities of existence. Life mirrors this duality, with its contrasts of warmth and chill, illumination and shadow, love and animosity, fear and faith. In essence, art and life converge in their exploration of contrasts and the pursuit of balance. Through this intricate dance, we uncover the depths of our souls and embrace the richness of existence.
I employ a technique known as glazing to apply layers of colour onto the canvas. Inspired by the methods of classic Dutch painters, I find that this technique imbues the colours with a luminous quality. However, it is a patient process, as each layer must fully dry before the next can be applied. Often, complementary colours are layered to achieve the desired hue directly on the canvas. I revel in the gradual buildup of colour, evoking the radiant beauty of nature.
8.3 x 11.7 x 1.5